Thursday, 29 March 2012

My First Blog...

WOW...I've done it!! I have made a blog page, crazy! I was holding out for so long too but it just kind of happened this evening as I couldn't be bothered moving from the dinner table to do housework.  

Even though I've run out of steam for the day I am thankful for this beautiful day, it was filled with many great moments of joy, and happiness.  Sometimes it was hard to be joyful but we got there and the best bit was seeing my daughter wearing the nappy on her was priceless! her facials were cracking me up so I had to capture some of these for her 21st.

Here just a few of my favourite shots from the day:

future opera singer maybe??

help me out of this Mum

don't panic I can do it.

So Miss. Summah was grizzly all day but you know she could still smile so this made me smile....the simple things! 

1 comment:

  1. welcome Bex and sweet Summah!! exciting~~
    (i'll bet she was grizzling cos she wanted to come see US!)



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