I have finished up parts of the conservatory make-over, really just waiting for vinyl layers to call me back with prices to put the new flooring down. Then I have to finish up some new curtains/window dressings as we don't actually use the curtains in the conservatory...there purely for looks.
Some photo's of what I've done so far...
vintage table and mirror
Salon space...love the fresh flowers.
(NB: those ugly brown curtains in the background are getting replaced)
the couch area with all the new cushions I made to make it look more inviting to relax and read on.
A tip: for finding amazing fabrics for making your own cushions
rummage through your local interior design shop's remnant fabric bins, you can find some great fabrics for cheap and they are usually generous sizes. I think the actual pillow inners cost more than the fabric for these cushions.